Saturday, August 30, 2014

Day 34 - Understanding by Design and Socratic Seminar

I am a recent Twitter convert and one of the educators I follow is Grant Wiggins. His Understanding by Design model has influenced the IB inquiry model. Yesterday I read one of his recent posts comparing the PBL, Inquiry etc with Ubd.

I enjoy the Grant Wiggins Blog and I particularly liked this statement yesterday. Quote. 
'understanding is dependent upon drawing inferences by oneself – as well as testing and justifying those inferences – if only to question or verify claims made by the teacher, other students, or authors. Otherwise, it is rote learning with no thinking behind it.'
I also picked up the phrase that I have often read, Socratic seminar. After a few minutes of Google I got an interesting read on how a Socratic Seminar can be run for teaching and learning. 

Now just waiting for an opportunity to try it! :)

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