Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Day 16 - Husband-wife Argument 'n Inquiry!

Our house and condominium have the worst acoustics possible. The voices around the swimming pool can be heard clearly on our 12th floor but my voice within my house does not carry effectively to Develyn's room! (Teacher's voice at that!)
So Micky and I decided to try a wireless bell that we could use to signal to her. The range seemed good according to the simple looking plastic pack with instructions in Japanese. We had initially intended it to replace our wired doorbell but decided against it. Anyway, the bell was working fine from the main door to the kitchen. It took the transmitter's frequency and chimed beautifully.
The problem started when we decided to install the bell switch (the transmitter) in the bedroom and the chime receiver in the kitchen. The bell chimed once, then stopped working. Then suddenly it chimed again, and as soon as we rejoiced........ it stopped! Micky and my faces lit up when it chimed again. However, each time we thought that the bell had finally started working, it stopped. As a typical husband and wife 'experiment- with- a- new- gadget' conversation goes, the dialogues cycle ensued as follows....
Here, let me try.....
That's not the right way to do it... 
I haven't tried it yet.
Yes, but you are holding it incorrectly. The frequency signal needs a straight line of sight.
Hmm.. but the pack said it would work over a range of .....not all homes would have a clear line of sight.
I'm telling you. There is no other explanation.
So how did it work the last time?
That was a fluke!
Yes but that means that the frequency doesn't need a straight line...
I am..it's not working.
I told you so.... Here, let me try...
So the poor doorbell chimed and unchimed and chimed again and so on and we continued the argument.
I eventually gave up and decided to toss this bell out and look for a new one. (For some reason, for me, a bell from a 2$ store does not ring a "bell"!) Micky, who by the way, is fond of books like 'Physics for entertainment', obviously could not give in so easily. So as I went to plan the dinner, he kept changing positions of the switch and the chime. Then he ensured that the chime had a battery that worked. Then he ensured that the plug point was working. Next he opened the wardrobe doors to try and reflect the radio frequency. His enthusiasm was infectious, so I joined him again. We tried the bell at different heights. Then we tried it on different surfaces and angles.
After loads of trial and error, we realised that the switch does not work when we place it on a metal surface. It also doesn't work if we try and press the switch continuously. (Micky feels that it is a courteous bell and has something to do with the lovely culture of patience in Japan and consequently the Japanese products are purposefully designed with that in mind.)  And the bell doesn't work below a particular height! So we have finally mounted it on the bed frame amidst the ongoing arguments about the effect of gravity on the signal and also the efficacy of the double-sided tape on a bedframe. That part of our inquiry has still not come to a conclusion. Anyway, the bell is working and hopefully it will serve the purpose well.
So what did I learn today?
a) Where to operate the bell from!
b) How to experiment on a gadget and keep constants, changing just one factor at a time.
c) To give time to inquiries and not give up.
d) To trust hubby but keep arguing-fosters his creativity and challenges him enough to not give up!
Great lessons moi thinks! :)

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