Thursday, August 28, 2014

Day 32- Star Trek and Student Leaders

I love Star Trek! Was watching it this evening in a sort of a zombie mode after a tiring day at work.. I always enjoy watching Captain Picard at his leadership best. He inspires. He runs his ship with intensity and passion and his crew is equally passionate and committed. All characters are great but the two of my absolute favourites are the graceful Counsellor Troi and the real cute Data. 

I love the concepts of Data and Troi. A ship/ an organisation needs both to run -  data and intuition. And this somehow relates to my post yesterday. One needs intuition to get a feel of the culture, the people, the change, the happenings. However one needs data to corroborate the intuition.

On that note, I received a photo of three of our ex-students this morning. Two of the mums sent it to me, separately. All three children, who have been my students in the past were chosen Student Leaders by their respective home room classes today. It was a beautiful, proud moment! I wasn't the only one. We had other teachers who had supported their learning journeys and each one of us took  pride and pleasure in the news when I shared it at the staff meeting today.  Their parents have been incredible, trusting the children and the teachers, and today they even bothered to share this news and celebrate with us in spite of having left school. 

So where does it link in?

I intuitively believe that my small little school with its big heart does a great job of teaching and learning. We hone the children, we give them the opportunities and we invest in them much more than some of the big schools with big resources. We invest ourselves and that makes the difference. The feeling is more intuitive than data based at the moment. However, when three of a class of 20 make it to leadership positions at the same time, in different class contexts, there is something more than coincidence.

Happy chappy! :)

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